Your needs truly matter to us.

After a joint consultation, we will propose a tailor-made solution for your situation.

The first consultation

The first consultation will take place in person or online via video call. It will last a maximum of one hour. We will discuss your requirements, which we will then address for you. We will also explain the course of our cooperation. If the cooperation makes sense to you, we will agree on the next steps.
The first consultation will take place either in person or online via video call.

We will gather data for the Financial map

To create an offer, we will map your financial situation to determine the scope of our services that are right for you.
We will map out your financial situation.

Sending an offer

At the latest within a week of our first meeting, you will receive a preview of the contract, the content of the future plan, a pricing offer, and a schedule. This information will help you get a clear idea of what the next steps of our cooperation will look like.
Preview of the contract, contents of the future plan, and pricing proposal.

Confirmation of collaboration.

If you decide to cooperate, we will sign a contract together and you will pay a deposit.
We will sign a contract together, and you will pay a deposit.

Creating a Financial Plan

We will start creating a financial plan for you according to the given schedule, which we will consult with you several times.
Creating a schedule


If we are both satisfied with the financial plan, we can proceed with its implementation. We establish, adjust, and consult on everything that arises from the plan.
Implementation of the financial plan.

Long-term cooperation.

We provide regular service according to the agreed collaboration. A client zone will be created for you where you can see all your contracts. We take care of any administrative tasks related to your financial products, we respond to changes in your life and in the environment. Based on this, we regularly update your financial plan and guide you to where you want to be.
Regular maintenance/service.

První konzultace

První konzultace proběhne osobně nebo online přes video hovor. Bude trvat maximálně hodinu. Probereme Vaše požadavky, které budeme pro Vás řešit. My Vám naopak vysvětlíme průběh naší spolupráce. Pokud Vám bude spolupráce dávat smysl, dohodneme se na dalším postupu.

Sběr dat pro Finanční mapu

Pro vytvoření nabídky zmapujeme Vaši finanční situaci abychom věděli jaký rozsah našich služeb je pro Vás ten pravý.

Posíláme nabídku

Nejpozději do třech dnů od našeho prvního setkání Vám bude poskytnut náhled smlouvy, obsah budoucího plánu, cenová nabídka a harmonogram. Tyto informace Vám pomohou ujasnit si představu o tom, jak budou vypadat další kroky spolupráce.

Potvrzení spolupráce

Pokud se rozhodnete pro spolupráci, podepíšeme spolu smlouvu a zaplatíte zálohu.

Tvoříme Finanční plán

Podle daného harmonogramu pro Vás začneme tvořit finanční plán, který budeme spolu několikrát konzultovat.


Pokud budeme s finančním plánem vzájemně spokojení, můžeme se pustit do jeho realizace. Zakládáme, upravujeme a konzultujeme vše co z plánu vyplynulo.

Dlouhodobá spolupráce

Dle domluvené spolupráce Vám poskytujeme pravidelný servis. Bude Vám vytvořena klientská zóna, kde uvidíte všechny vaše smlouvy. Řešíme za Vás jakoukoliv administrativu spojenou s vašimi finančními produkty, reagujeme na změny ve vašem životě a na změny kolem nás. Podle toho pravidelně aktualizujeme Váš finanční plán a tím Vás dovedeme tam kam budete chtít.

Why paid advice?

Hunter vs Farmer

In the financial market, there are two approaches to financial advice. The first and more common approach is the "hunter" approach, where the advisor aims to sell a financial product and receive a commission for its sale. This approach does not focus on long-term client care, but rather on a one-time product sale. As a result, the service is often non-transparent, as is influenced by commissions and motivational actions of individual providers.

On the other hand, there is a less common approach called the "farmer" approach, which our company follows. This approach does not focus on selling financial products, but on providing long-term service. The reward depends on the volume of investments and shares in profits. The advisor is motivated to provide long-term service and help clients achieve their financial goals. This approach focuses on long-term client care.

So how do we get paid?

Our company follows the "farmer" approach. We prefer direct payment for financial planning and subsequent service, instead of standard commission-based advice. This way, we are able to provide services without conflicts of interest and moral hazard.

Clients pay a one-time fee for financial or investment plan processing and subsequently pay for long-term service. This approach allows us to provide systematic care for clients and collaborate with them to achieve their goals.


Professional financial advisory with individual approach.

Your financial goals are our priority.

Branch Hodonín
Velkomoravská 5, 695 01 Hodonín
Branch Prague
Londýnská 730/59120 00 Vinohrady, Prahy
VAT number: 19156839
About Us
Service Price List
Contact Us
I am a bound representative of In Investments a.s., K Moravině 1871/7, 190 00, Prague 9, ID: 03002578 and INSIA a.s., Atrium Flora - entrance A, Vinohradská 2828/151, 130 00 Prague 3, ID: 48034479
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